Well finally everything is ready for the big day tomorrow. Decorations are hanging up. Handmade and store bought.
Our Grand daughter made this at Prep for me to hang in our house. I love it. |
I Believe do you. I have always believed in the magic of christmas.
Christmas Decorations. so many to choose between but I do love the simple snowflake or bauble. I love the colours green, red, gold and silver. But I don't have a designer tree. Mine is a bit of a mish mash. But we love it.
Lots of presents await for opening in the next 24 hours. Today we had lunch at my SIL with her hubby and son and my children and grandchildren joined us. It has been awhile since we had been together.
Youngest Daughter Emma with hubby Adam and our youngest grandson Eli.
I know over the next couple of days I will have the chance to get many photo's of my family. Especially the grandchildren. Even though sometimes they can be trying they truly are a gift and I love them dearly.
My eldest grandson Callum has been busy losing teeth for christmas so maybe Santa may bring him his front tooth. It definitely hasn't stopped him from eating.
Tomorrow morning we are up early heading to my eldest Daughters place for the traditional breakfast feast of Waffles, icecream, whipped cream, fresh strawberries, banana and maple syrup.
From my family to yours we hope you all have a wonderful christmas and a safe one.