Its been an eventful couple of weeks here. DH hid the fact that someone was interested in buying his bike and now it has sold. This will wipe out 2 more credit card debts plus he can buy a cheaper bike. Then we both can concentrate on the big loans we have. I am hoping they will all be paid off by Christmas 2014 plus hoping to have our caravan by then. We did purchase a 4WD a couple of weeks ago. This will be the car that we will travel with. For now we will be concentrating on paying that small loan off now.
You know I keep saying if only we could win $100 000 that would see us starting our dream. We want to travel around this amazing country of ours. Take my small soap business on the road. I'm not afraid of work and I am sure I will be able to pick up work here and there while we travel. Other people do it why not us. Work at the moment is a struggle but I am there doing the best job I can. What ever happens in my current role happens. I don't feel I am in a secure job, but I think alot of people think the same way so I know I am not the only one.
Currently at the moment I am slowly decluttering at home. This is a very slow process and thankfully we have Ebay so everything will be listed. Wow 27 years of marriage so we have collected many items over the years. At one stage I use to collect unicorn figurines. Time to get rid of them. A couple I will keep but the rest will go. With the money from the sale of all this stuff will go into a savings account and will go towards our dream.
Do you know of anyone who has done this. Travel around Australia. I'm thinking to do it and enjoy it I am thinking maybe 3 years is a good time frame. What do you think.
Sue xx
Fairytales and Goblins
Remember When life was so much easier
Life has been so busy with raising children, running a business,working fulltime you sometimes forget the simple things in life. Remember how things were when you were younger. Today there is so many chemicals and additives added into our everyday items. This year our family is trying to llive a more natural life. This blog will contain recipes, gardening tips, links to other blogs who share the same passion as I do.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Say goodbye credit card
Wow what a great feeling today. Hubby paid out his credit card. Rang them up to cancel it. They were shocked and of course wanted to know why. The answer was: We don't want or need it.
What a great feeling. I decided to withdraw some money I had been saving to close this credit card. More interest is paid on the card then the interest I earn on the savings account. I still have some savings there in case of emergency and we need it.
What a great feeling. I decided to withdraw some money I had been saving to close this credit card. More interest is paid on the card then the interest I earn on the savings account. I still have some savings there in case of emergency and we need it.
Now we will work on paying mine off. Mine is quite high with over $5000 owing on it but I am sure we can wipe this out within a couple of months.
I can smell retirement and travelling around this country a little bit closer now.
Tomorrow we are heading out on a 4 day break. Over are the days of staying in 4 or 5 star accomodation. I am enjoying our camper trailer and tomorrow we are heading to 1770.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Working Towards Retirement.
Wow its been quite a few months since I have written a blog in Fairytales and Goblins. Life has been super duper busy with job changes, new grandchildren and general life things. Late last year we purchased a camper trailer and OMG I love it. I really enjoy camping. Its so relaxing and this week we are heading up to 1770 for a few days. I find it great to unwind from the hectic life I have at work. I remember a year ago I had a good job but found it a bit boring. Don't get me wrong I loved the people I worked with but felt I needed to do more. Fast forward this year and I don't have a boring job anymore. I still work for the same organisation but just moved areas and a higher paying position with loads of more responsiiblity. Not bored now.
Anyway it has made me realise lately that I have been working since I was 15 and only had a short couple of years off to have my children. Which means I have been working for about 28 years now. Over the years I have moved around in my jobs. Originally I was working in supermarket and slowly changed over to Disability Services and have been working in this field now for 12 years.
Now I am 48 nearly 49 and thinking I need to retire and see this amazing country. Awhile ago I travelled to Tasmania for 3 weeks and fell in love with the state and the amazing country side and would love to see more of Australia. Bill and I have discussed this so many times over the last year on what we want to do in the future. I don't want to get to old age and regret not doing things. My mother is in her 80's and has Parkinsons Disease and has never really travelled. Has never been in a Aeroplane. I don't want this to happen to me.
So we have decided to pay off our debts ($65000) within the next 2 years and live the dream we want to. I'm not afraid of hard work. I work in an industry that I can pick up work around the country in the same field. Bill can retire and be Williams main carer.
First thing we need to do is to start paying off the credit cards and continue to save in our bank. Need to save enough to purchase a bus that will need to be transformed into a motor home. Follow us on the journey of working towards retirement.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Disillusioned by it all.
I am a big supported of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) but unfortunately I live in Queensland where the Can Do Man won't support this trial scheme. I work in the industry and I live it everyday of my life for 26 years. Today I received an email from the Can Do Man addressing the scheme. I know this is a generic email which he would of sent out to thousands of people.
Thank you for your correspondence about a National Disability Insurance
Scheme (NDIS). The Queensland Government wants real improvements and believes
that an NDIS, as envisaged by the Productivity Commission, would give
Queenslanders with a disability, their families, and their carers better access
to long-term care and support.
Sadly, the plan for NDIS trials falls far short of the Productivity
Commission’s recommendation, as does the $1 billion committed by the Federal
Government towards the launch. In fact, this will not cover the cost of the
trials, with participating states and territories left to ‘find the money’ to
make up the difference. The reality is Queensland simply cannot afford to have
an NDIS trial site at this time without Federal Government funding. Although
this Government remains committed to participating in a fully developed and
sustainable NDIS in the longer term, with our State’s finances in crisis we
cannot participate in the trial now.
This Government is making tough decisions to get Queensland back on track,
and back in the black by 2014–15. More funding should be put into disability
services, and when the Budget is returned to surplus, we will look at improving
the funding for disability support. Until then, we are doing all we can within
our means to revitalise existing front-line services to deliver immediate
improvements for Queenslanders with a disability, their carers, and their
families. This includes implementing our $38.7 million package of disability
support, committed to during the election campaign, and examining ways to
deliver more efficient and cost-effective disability services, with greater
individual choice and control.
Again, thank you for raising your concerns with me.
Yours sincerely
My response back was:
Dear Mr Campbell,
Thank you for your reply but unfortunately until you live it you do not
understand. I am a mother with an adult son with Down Syndrome. I was one of
the lucky families who received some funding when he left school. We are now in
2012 and that funding does not even cover his daily vocational needs anymore and
now we have to pay into it out of my own pocket. I work fulltime not because I
want to but because I need to. My concern now is the future. My husband and I
are aging and what will happen to our son in the future. Most parents in the
same situation as us hope that we outlive our child. Mr Campbell this is a
terrible thing to say but it is the truth. I also work in the Disability Field
and work for the largest organisation in Australia who support people with an
intellectual disability and see the anguish on families. Queensland is so far
behind other states. It is about time we got up to speed. The NDIS gave us
some hope. You seem to have made many promises in your lead up. I voted for
you which I have for many years been a labour supporter. I will never vote for
liberal again. More funding was given to the racing industry then people with
disabilities. That in itself to me indicates your non - commitment to people
with disabilities and their families.
Today I heard a disturbing story regarding a person with a disability. It has really disilluisioned me over the whole system. I not going to share the story due to privacy etc but it is morally wrong and I am totally disgusted in the whole ordeal. This story really bring home about parents wanting to outlive their child because they are scared of what could happen to their child when they are gone.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Someone I Love...........................
Some of the people who know me personal know that disabilities have played a very big part in my life for the last 26 years. I would not change it in anyway. I love all my children. They are my world. They have achieved so much in their lives and they have my unconditional love.
I also work in the field and would not have it any other way. I can't take credit for the poem below. I wish I could. I wish I also knew who wrote it, but it somes it up on how I feel and how any other parent feels when they have a child that has dealt with challenges and disabilities in their life.
Someone I love relies on me in ways you will never understand.
Someone I love endures the pain and challenges that break my heart and renew my spirit at the same time.
Someone I love is unable to advocate for themselves for things that most of us take for granted.
Someone I love will never have the opportunities that every child should have.
Someone I love will need unconditional love and support after I'm gone - this frightens me to the core.
Someone I love encounters pity, stereotyping responses and prejudices at every turn because they look, act and/or learn differently from others.
Someone I love has needs that require me to allow outsiders to have power and input in areas that should be mine alone to meet.
Someone I love will continue to look to me for everything in life long after other children are able to assume a place as part of the world.
Someone I love has needs that require more time and energy than I have to give.
Someone I love has needs that have become the driving force behind major decisions my family makes.
Someone I love has changed me in ways I will never be able to describe.
Someone I love has taught me about love and the really important things in life. . .
I also work in the field and would not have it any other way. I can't take credit for the poem below. I wish I could. I wish I also knew who wrote it, but it somes it up on how I feel and how any other parent feels when they have a child that has dealt with challenges and disabilities in their life.
Author unknown
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My beautiful amazing children |
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Winter Solstice
Last night we were part of the Winter Solstice Celebrations at Northey Street City Farm. Even though it was a couple days late it was an amazing night. So why do we celcebrate the Solstice? Winter Solstice is celebrated on the shortest day of the year which then means it is the longest night of the year. For the solstice it is now the turning point. The days get longer and the nights get shorter until the Summer Solstice. From the dark womb of the night, the light is born.
If you have never been to Northey Street City Farm you are definitely missing out on an amazing community space. Even though I live at Redcliffe I love heading to the Farm. It transform you to another place.
If you have never been to Northey Street City Farm you are definitely missing out on an amazing community space. Even though I live at Redcliffe I love heading to the Farm. It transform you to another place.
It is a Urban Permaculture Community Farm which promotes and practices substainablity in our environment. A place that is stress free and open to the community to enjoy. I love visiting. To think on the other side of the gardens is a busy bustling major city. By the way the place is run by some amazing people.
You can stroll through the amazing gardens or you can join one of the many tours. They also have loads of different workshops running through out the year.
Last night hundreds and hundreds of people gathered in the celebrations with great entertainment, fantastic food and live bands playing. It was a cool night but my pixie coat I made certainly kept me warm.
Stilt Walkers |
Fire Twirlers |
Bonfire And definitely some fantastic music.
If you are ever in the area of Windsor do stop in and pay a visit to the farm. Or click on the Link here to their Facebook Page or their web page.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend people. Today some gardening.
Sue x
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Review of the bucket list
Over a year ago I made up a list of things I wanted to do in my life sometime. Yes the Bucket List. A couple of things I have done but now looking back at the list there is a few things I won't do. Now it is time to update. I think everyone should have a list of things they want to achieve. At work they call them GOALS. Yes how the girls at work hate that word. GOALS, GOALS, GOALS. But really it is not that scarey. I wonder if the management above who develop all this wonderful paperwork I do all day would change that one simple page on the 35 page document to BUCKET LIST or WISHES AND DREAMS. Any way below is my bucket list with reviews.
Ride in a hot air balloonHave problems when flying in a plane with heights so need to change this one to Write a book- Go para-sailing
- Visit King Island Came so close at christmas. Next time I will hire a 4WD and I will be on that island.
- Go to Ireland and find my family history
- Buy my own little block of paradise. (A couple of acres.) Trying to make this happen this year.
- Be as self-sufficient as we can be. Started but need some land. See above.
- Be at my grandchildren's weddings. The twins are 7 this year.
- Learn how to make cheese. Have the kit
Learn how to crochet.I have tried and tried. Learn to paint- Run naked through a forest. One day.
Eat at the most expensive restruantTravel around Australia- Own a Louis Vuitton Handbag Will leave this one on there. Even though I don't buy that many handbags anymore I will one day own a LV
- Play in snow Next winter
- Go on a cruise Cruising out on the 11.08.2012. Not long now.
Holiday in CanadaRun workshops. I use to do this for children but would love to go back to it.- Travel the Kuranda Train. This one is really personal. This was one wish my eldest sister wanted to do before cancer took her. This is happening this year.
- Sell one of my one of a kind coats.
Anyway update is completed. I will revisit again in a years time. Do you have a list of thing you want to do?
Have a great long weekend everyone.!
Sue XX
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